Friday, December 13, 2013

Urban Stories Theatre - Audition Notice

UST Audition Notice

THE DOOR Written and Directed by Helen Young

This is a play about bullying and being bullied, about self discovery and friendship, and about putting yourself on the line for others and standing up for what you believe in.

Mr. C- He has spent his life teaching high school and watching bullies get away with humiliating and terrorizing anyone weaker than they are. [30's/40's]

Nicole- Nicole is a very good student but shy and withdrawn. She tried to kill herself and is in the class to face her fears. [16/17]

Amy- Amy is popular, pretty and addicted to drugs and alcohol. She has succeeded in joining the in crowd but is not happy with how she is seen. [16/17]

Claudia- Claudia is in the same group as Amy and the two were friends. Claudia attacked another girl and is on a downward spiral as a result of her actions. [16/17]

Randy- Randy was caught selling drugs at school. This was his way into the in crowd but he sees now he was being used. [16/17]

Troy- Troy is gay but in the closet. Marcus and his friends are suspected of beating him up bad enough to put him in the hospital but Troy wont press charges. [16/17]

Marcus- Marcus is the leader of a gang. He is suspected of a number of crimes but there are no one willing to press charges so he is getting away with bullying. [18]

February: Mondays- 17 and 24 from 7-9 pm

March: Mondays & Wednesdays- 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26 and 31 from 7-9 pm

April: Mondays and Wednesdays- 2, 7, 9, 14 and 16 from 7-9 pm

Performance dates April 21- 27

Send photo and resume to attention Helen, with The Door workshop in the subject line. Please state which roles you are interested in. Auditions will be Monday January 6th and Wednesday January 8th from 7-9 pm with callbacks on Monday January 13th from 7-9 pm.

Thank you
Helen Young
Artistic Director
Urban Stories Theatre