Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Audition Notice: Heritage Park Players

The Heritage Park Players will be presenting various interactions outside on the streets of Heritage Park for its Ghouls' Night Out Event running Oct 26th(6pm to 9pm), Oct 27th (6pm to 9pm), Oct 28th (5:30pm to 9pm), and Oct 29th (4pm to 7:30pm).  For each character there will be a few rehearsals set at the actor(s) convenience.  This is a non-paying gig and is a volunteer commitment.  Artists must be at least 16 years of age to apply.    

Rapunzel and Anna (From Frozen)
Rapunzel, exhausted from being a captor, considers cutting her hair.  Anna talks Rapunzel down of the ledge from committing hair suicide.
Characters:  Rapunzel & Anna.
Sith Lord versus Jack Sparrow & C-3PO:  A Lightsaber Fight
Jack investigates the remains of an Imperial crashed space shuttle, making away with some precious diamonds.  A Sith Lord awakens from crashed cock-pit to challenge Jack to an epic lightsaber fight to Pirates of the Caribbean style music.  C-3P0, a captor, hustles in to referee.
Characters:  Pirate, Sith Lord & C-3P0  
Audrey 3 and Seymour Scene:  
Audrey 3, a new breed of plant life unknown to this planet, attempts to convince Seymour to feed him with Zombie body parts.  They sing a parody of song bits from Little Shop of Horrors.
Characters:  Audrey ~ The actor will operate the physical plant puppet and voice the character.  (Singing is an asset).
Seymour ~ The keeper of Audrey.  (Singing is an asset).
Beetlejuice and his/her Haunted Midway Characters:  
The Games area of the Midway is brought to life with three different booths of horrors.  
Characters:  Beetlejucie ~ The announcer and master of ceremonies (may be male or female)
The Bearded Lady (Singing is an asset).
Serpentina the Snake Woman

Zoltar the Fortune Teller
Similar to the booth from the movie "Big"; guests will line up to have Zoltar tell them their fortune. 

Character:   Zoltar
A girl/lady escapes from a coffin only to discover the wonders of becoming a new Vampire.  She sets on a course of making her first kill, her beloved cat Charles.  She then begins the establishment of a blood donor clinic for Vampires of all types.     
Character:  Draculena
Ghost Train Characters:  
Bride Groom:  Will alternate between sitting as a mannequin in train, looking and calling to his Black Widow.  Also he will de-boarding the train interacting with crowd and train conductor on platform continuing his quest to be reunited with his bride.

Black Widow:  Will alternate between sitting as a mannequin in train, looking and calling to his Black Widow.  Also he will de-boarding the train interacting with crowd and train conductor on platform continuing his quest to be reunited with his bride.
Porter: Helps actors to board train, and being especially attentive to the "Black Widow" and her pile of coffins containing her dead husbands.
Vampire: Actor will interact with crowd offering to drink them dry so that they can ride the ghost train. 
Ticket Seller:  Informs guests that only those carrying their death certificate can buy a ticket for the Ghost Train.
Painting the Roses Red 
Two cards have a comedic banter and sing "Painting the Roses Red" from Alice in Wonderland.  They are in constant fear of being scolded by the Queen. 
Characters:  The 2 of Hearts & the Ace of Diamonds
Sunday, Sept 24, 2017 @ 10am-10pmMonday, Sept 25, 2017 @ 4pm-10pmPlease indicate with your submission your availability for the audition dates.Auditions will be held at Heritage Park.
 CASTING PERSONS IN ATTENDANCE: Artistic Liaison – Trevor Matheson, Musical Director – Melissa Dorsey DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: Friday, Sept 22, 2017 @ 5pm. 
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Interested actors, please e-mail to Trevor Matheson at

Character in which you're interested
Subject line "HP 2016 Ghouls' Night Out Audition Submission."

Heritage Park is committed to diverse, inclusive casting. Ghouls' Night Out is a volunteer performance contract. Equity members will not be seen at these auditions.