Monday, July 15, 2024

Audition Notice: Independent Film "Masquerade"


Project: Masquerade
Type: Independent film
Start Date: July 29
Wrap Date: August 19,2024
Location: Calgary, AB
Paid Non-Union, Negotiable.

Director: Gillian McKercher
Writer: Jonathan Joffe and Ryan Stromquist
Network: Bytedance
Casting Dept:
Executive Producer Yuying Zhou (Gwyneth)
Producers: Chris Ippolito, Brendan Hunter, John Shaoyun Wang
Please list the character you wish to be submitted for in the subject line and send us your your Headshot and Resume

Please Note: You will have the opportunity to self tape or come in for a live audition which will be held on Tuesday July 16th at CSIF.
Character breakdown is as follows:
SHANE TIMBERLAKE (20s), a dashing but overly serious CEO.
The Timberlake family is wealthy. Shane’s father was a self-made man who built a media empire (Diamond Media) at the start of the digital age. Shane grew up in the long shadow of his father’s accomplishments and worked hard to earn the kind of respect that his father got through his hard work. When his father passed away, Shane took on the enormous responsibility of maintaining the legacy his father started. He drives his employees hard (but fair), and leads by example, driving himself hardest of all. One of the deepest lessons that Shane’s father taught him was the importance of a strong partnership. Like his father, Shane is rich and handsome, and the result of this is a never-ending stream of women who are more interested in marrying into his family’s success than what he has to offer as a person. Shane’s mother keeps a vigilant watch to fend off the wrong kind of girlfriend and would like to see Shane married to a wealthy socialite who comes with her own family fortune. Because of this, Shane has all but stopped dating and has focused his attention on meeting someone behind the anonymity of his online persona Mr. Eclipse on the app Masquerade. 

PATRICIA TIMBERLAKE (50s), distinguished and graceful.
Smart, hard working and caring, Patricia’s only major stress in her life is that her son will end up wooed into a bad marriage by a woman who is more interested in her son’s fortune than anything else. Her desire to save her son from the pain of a terrible marriage has left her well intentioned, but overprotective and interfering.
JENNIFER VANDENBERG (20s), chic, beautiful.
Jenny comes from a good family and like a Jane Austin character has spent much of her upbringing obsessing over finding the right marriage. She is a long-time socialite whose family is very interested in wedding her to another wealthy family. Her parents have spent considerable effort to build a relationship with Patricia Timberlake in the hopes of courting Shane. But Shane isn’t interested in the usual country clubs and Formula One parties that the wealthy elite attend. Jenny’s interest in Shane is that he is a hard catch. An outstanding achievement. Sort of like winning the Olympic Gold of marriages.
LEE (20s), handsome and smartly stylish.
Shane’s assistant and bumbling right hand man. Respected by Shane only as long as he carries out his responsibilities dutifully.

JENNIFER QUIN (20s) beautiful and smartly dressed at all times.
 Jenny Quinn is a young and talented fashion designer. Always creative, Jenny spent her childhood tinkering away on fashion design programs in the school library, since her single Mom could never afford to get Jenny her own computer. Bright enough to get into great schools, many of the other kids picked on her for being poor. So while Jenny is bright, beautiful and desirable, she is also introverted and shy. Because of this she has defaulted to meeting people where she is comfortable, which is online. She has been using an app call Masquerade which replaces your photos with AI images to promote connection via shared interest instead of looks. As her alter ego “Anjou”, Jenny has made a deep connection with her online “boyfriend” who goes by the mysterious name Mr. Eclipse.
COCO (20s), beautiful and effortlessly elegant.
Coco works as a director at Diamond Media and has her eyes on seducing Shane. She is far less interested in him as a person than she is in securing her future as the wife of a billionaire. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, her father has done most of the heavy lifting to give Coco the life she has. She is moderately attractive, moderately intelligent, and moderately creative. Though she could view this as being blessed with having a lot going for her, she instead has ended up jealous of those who are smarter, more creative and more attractive.
DEBBIE (20s), general office employee, female.

LOU (20s), handsome, business casual. Shane’s closest friend. His “Bro.”
SUE(20s, beautiful). Jenny’s BFF.
JENNY'S MOM (50s), has a practical mindset, often seen multitasking around the house while managing schedules and family activities with ease. A smart working-class Mom who wants to see her amazing, bright and talented girl be happy. She knows she will be a success at whatever career she sets her mind to, but she also knows that the teasing she was subjected to as a kid has left her shy and introverted. She worries that Jenny will settle for someone who doesn’t deserve a girl like her.
KELLY (30s greasy-looking man with a silk shirt) A slime-bucket in every sense of the word. Thinks he’s a gift for the women that are “lucky” enough to meet him.

Submit a self-tape or live audition.
CREW WORK also available. Please indicate in your email if you are interested in CREW WORK.