Friday, September 20, 2013

Casting Call: A Glorious Time

A GLORIOUS TIME is a 1 hour documentary that will tell the inspiring and intriguing story of Duchess of Cornwall (Mary- the future Queen of England) during the 1901 Royal tour’s...and how this new territory called Alberta changed her empire forever.

Tuesday, Sep. 17, 2013, 10:57 AM Pacific
Producer/Director: Philip Spink
Casting Director: Rhonda Fisekci
Auditions: TBD. May just cast from photos
Outside Shoot Dates: Oct 1 – 30, 2013
Rates: See below
Locations: Banff & Calgary

TEL: 403-861-9270
FAX: 403-285-8213

Duchess of Cornwall (Mary- the future Queen of England): $300/day and could have as many as 7 – 10 shoot days. Not concurrent.
Lady Lygon, Lady Catherine Coke, Mrs. Keple, Lady Minto: $150/day. Will likely have 3 – 4 days: not concurrent.
The Butler, Footman, Reporter: $50 - $100/day depending on length of day. 1 – 3 days: not concurrent.

My Producer/Director can be flexible around schedules. So performers who may be in theatre performance during the shoot days should be submitted.  Rehearsals will be tougher to work around.
[DUCHESS OF CORNWALL] (MARY- THE FUTURE QUEEN OF ENGLAND) 25 – 31 yrs old. Caucasian. Brown hair, blue or green eyes. Not an outstanding beauty but can be with a little effort. She didn’t always photograph well but there are some shots where she is really beautiful and other shots that were less than kind to her. At this age Mary was quite thin but struggled with her weight as she grew older. WE ARE TRYING TO FIND A GOOD LOOK-A-LIKE FOR MARY SO PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PHOTO. There is no dialogue written at this point. However, depending on who is cast and their level of acting experience – there could end up being some dialogue.
[LADY LYGON] 25 – 30 yrs old. Caucasian. Lady Lygon is a slim, elegant, wealthy, effortless beauty with dark hair and a dazzling smile. She is a well-bred Lady whose lineage is more prestigious than Mary’s. She is Mary’s companion and best friend.
[LADY CATHERINE COKE] 25 yrs old. Caucasian. Lady Coke is a very studious woman almost librarianish. Blond hair and round faced. She is less elegant than the others. Catherine is “Mistress of the Robes” and is in charge of dressing Mary. She does not have to be slim but she should not be really chubby and because of the tradition of putting the key in her bosom, it would be great if she had a nice bosom.

[MRS. KEPLE] 45 – 60 yrs old. Caucasian. Mrs. Keple was Mary’s chaperone and the “Firewall” between Mary and everyone else. She was a no-nonsense and formidable woman. Think Maggie Smith.
[LADY MINTO] 30ish. Caucasian. Dark hair, outdoorsy, monied. She is a take charge and ambitious type of woman. A little pretentious and always overdressed. A 3 dressed up as a 9.
[THE BUTLER] 50 – 60 yrs old. Male. Caucasian. Dashing, silver-haired and elegant.

[THE FOOTMAN] 30 yrs old. Caucasian. Male. We see him standing with Mary and her entourage at the picnic atop Tunnel Mountain.
[THE REPORTER] 28 yrs old. Also part of Mary’s entourage. It would be great to find a strong actor for this role.