A place where students, friends, and faculty of Company of Rogues can find information on upcoming opportunities for actors in and around Calgary, AB.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
This 3 day intensive workshop focuses on Actor's crafting a Character's journey from a film perspective. Because most films are shot out of chronological sequence, coupled with the fact that the performance is the nucleus of the Story, it is vital that the Actor is skilled in serving the Story by creating a comprehensive and emotionally active through-line.
The Hero's Journey, while based on Three Act Structure, offers so much more. It is an odyssey of exploring, Character, Story Structure, Myth and Archetype-the foundation of all great films and film acting. By understanding and applying The Hero's Journey, actors will gain a profoundly deeper ability to make pivotal choices that not only humanize a Character but drive the story forward in emotionally compelling ways.
Over these three days we will delve into the heart and soul of the Hero's Journey, whereby each actor will receive selected scenes as well as the screenplay from which they are derived. Each scene is specific to major turning points in the Story and replete in Character and Archetype.
As a teacher, I truly love imparting this information. I am as passionate about Story as I am about the Craft of Acting and I know that this workshop will be extremely worthwhile.
The workshop requires a great deal of preparation work on the part of both the actor and instructor, therefore early registration is essential. Actors must have read the entire screenplay several times. Preparation and information are key to getting the utmost benefit from the process. Highly committed students only please.
Dates: May 14th (6pm -10pm), 15th & 16th (10am -3pm)
Cost: $300+ GST
Maximum of 12 Students.
Email: info@corogues.com
Or Call: Company of Rogues (403) 228-5526
Friday, March 26, 2010
Registration is really picking up at the studio and most classes have very few spots remaining -DO NOT DELAY!
Company of Rogues is now accepting registrations for the following courses:
Advanced Film & TV
An advanced class that strengthens the actor's film foundation through challenging
scene work, with the instructor working as a director to refine the actor’s repertoire
with potency, nuance, subtly and emotional life.
Prereq:Essentials of Film & TV
Admission subject to interview with instructor.
Call to book an interview
Instructor: Christianne Hirt
April 12-June 28
(12 weeks)
12:00-4:00pm 5 SPOTS LEFT!!
6:00-10:00pm 3 SPOTS LEFT!!
$635 + GST
Scene Study
Advanced scene & monologue work using demanding scripted material to challenge the actor.
In the Spring session, actors work from the contemporary era (1960’s-present).
Prereq: Essentials of Acting
Admission subject to interview with instructor.
Call to book an interview
Instructor: Joe-Norman Shaw
April 8-May 13
(6 weeks) &
May 20-June 24
(6 weeks)
7:00-11:00PM 1 SPOT LEFT!!
$350 + GST
Advanced Meisner Technique
Challenging scene work approached through the use of Meisner Technique, allowing the actors
to bring inner life and emotional truth to the work. Some of the work from this class will be featured
as part of the Rogues Showcase at the end of the session.
Meisner Technique.
Admission subject to interview with instructor.
Call to book an interview
Christianne Hirt
April 11-June 27
(12 weeks)
6:00 -11:00PM 5 SPOTS LEFT!!
$635 + GST
Meisner Technique
An exploration of the acting principles of Sanford Meisner through his word repetition and
Improvisation exercises. Meisner Technique is used to develop the ability to work moment
to moment, and cull from the actor a more emotionally charged inner life; infusing an actors’
performance with greater authenticity.
Prereq: Essentials of Acting
Admission subject to interview with instructor.
Call to book an interview
Instructor: Stacie Harrison
April 9-June 25
(12 weeks)
Essentials of Film & TV
The development of on-camera acting technique through scene work and the audition process.
Prereq: Essentials of Acting
Instructor: Joe-Norman Shaw
Begins: April 10 or May 22
(6 weeks) 10:00-1:30PM CALL FOR NUMBERS!!
$350 + GST
Movement for the Actor
Strengthen physical presence by freeing the body to organically follow impulses.
Prereq: Essentials of Acting
Instructor: Aaron Coates
April 10-June 26 (12 weeks)
10:00-11:30AM CALL FOR NUMBERS!!
$200 + GST
**Combine Movement/Voice
$500 + GST (save $50)**
Voice for the Actor
Find an organic connection to breath and learn to maximize the effectiveness of your voice.
Prereq: Essentials of Acting
Instructor: Stacie Harrison
April 10-June 26 (12 weeks)
$350 + GST
Essentials of Acting
The principles of acting are developed through scene work and improvisation.
Instructor: Aaron Coates
Begins: April 10 or May 22
(6 weeks) 1:30-5:30PM CALL FOR NUMBERS!!
$350 + GST
*Note: This class is a prerequisite to all other classes
Every Instructor at Company of Rogues is a working professional. This means that your Instructor has up-to-date industry information that informs your education. They bring home the goods to you from being on set, actively auditioning and also Directing. This is the Studio to come to for up-to-date industry informed training in Western Canada. Our well rounded Instructors are working as ACTORS/DIRECTORS/WRITERS/and INSTRUCTORS. Training professional actors in Calgary since 1996 Company of Rogues was established in Vancouver in 1993. How do we compare? Read below.
What Makes Rogues Training Different Than Other Schools?
Our training is rooted in the tradition espoused by the major studios in NYC and other American based institutions. From the teachings of Constantin Stanislavski and his interpretations through Sanford Meisner and Uta Hagen, our focus is on "authentic performance". This is based on the Stanislavski concept of "the actor living the part". Working from the first person, subjective tradition, an actor’s performance is deeply rooted in truthful human behaviour and emotion. This authenticity is the hallmark of many of the great, New York trained American film/stage actors—like Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Jessica Lange, Faye Dunaway, Diane Keaton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Harvey Keitel, to name a few.
At Rogues, we train actors to apply this authentic style of acting to both theatre and film. Our actors have an honesty and raw emotional power not taught by most other actor training programs in Canada that are based in other traditions. While we provide training in all aspects of the craft including Voice, Movement, Scene Study and Shakespeare, setting us apart is our in-depth classes in Meisner Technique and Acting for Film & TV. It is our belief that a well-trained actor can work in all mediums if their work is grounded in the truth of human behaviour and emotion; this is the essence of an "authentic performance style". This is what separates us from other actor training programs.
Point Form Reasons to Choose Rogues
• Customized programs free of academic requirements
• Instructors are working professionals
• Most classes offered evenings & weekends (allows for employment during training)
• Strong ties to the professional Film and Theatre communities in Calgary and Vancouver
• Is represented at Theatre Alberta’s annual EMERGE Auditions
• Actors are actively sought by local/regional agents, casting directors, film makers and theatre companies
• Lifetime Mentorship
• Flexible Payment Plans
Company of Rogues Actors’ Studio provides a positive environment that fosters the development of the individual actor within a supportive ensemble of highly dedicated creative artists.
We invite you to audit our classes and discover why Company of Rogues is the place to be.
Also visit our website www.corogues.com for additional information on the studio, including biographies of our Instructors.
Shows You Simply Must See
What was your first time like? Ok, are you wondering where that came from? Good, because you should be.
My First Time, presented by Ground Zero Theatre and Hit&Myth is a hilarious, touching, raunchy, real and fun night at the theatre. You will definitely have lots to talk about and laugh about afterwards! And it's cabaret style too!
"I remember my first sexual experience. I was alone at the time!" (Story #6509)
"I still have the Metallica shirt he wore that night." (Story #23960)
"File mine under clumsy and awkward!" (Story #4294)
Was your first time awkward or “like Christmas morning!” (Story #19553)? Were you with your high school sweetheart or with your psychology professor (Story #7779)? Were you in Washington Square Park (Story #5049) or a Burger King bathroom (Story #2995)?
If you did it, you probably remember it. And now you can hear about everyone else’s! MY FIRST TIME features four actors, in hysterical and heartbreaking stories about first sexual experiences written by real people . . . just like you.
First sexual experiences are one of the few things that almost every single person on this planet has in common, yet we rarely talk about them. Until now . . .
In 1998, a decade before blogging began, a website was created that allowed people to anonymously share their own true stories about their “First Times.” More than 40,000 silly, sweet, absurd, heterosexual, homosexual, shy, shocking and sexy stories flooded in, making the website an instant phenomenon.
And now, four amazing Calgary actors bring these stories and their unique characters to life in the acclaimed MY FIRST TIME!
MY FIRST TIME will have you laughing and reminiscing about your own first time . . . and thinking about your next one. I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.
WWW.GZT.CA OR 403-221-3708
The Studio at Vertigo Theatre Centre (Base of the Calgary Tower)
The cast features (in alphabetical order) Tyrell Crews (Man #1), Karen Johnson-Diamond (Woman #1), Jamie Konchak (Woman # 2) and David Trimble (Man #3).
Directed by Ryan Luhning, Set Design by Luke Dahlgren and Ian Kelly, Lighting Design by Luke Dahlgren, Costume Design by Deitra Kalyn, Production Management by Derek Paulich, Stage Management by Emma Brager, Video / Sound Design by Michael Gesy, Crew / Tabulation by Elaine Weryshko and Co-Produced & Assistant Directed by Joel Cochrane of Hit & Myth Productions.
Would you like to see the newest show by the Downstage Creation Ensemble? The group that brought you such inspiring works as BUSt and Arm's-Length Embrace now brings you In The Wake.
If you like creative theatre with great story and an innovative approach, this is your show!
Downstage proudly presents the World Premiere of
In the Wake
by the Downstage Creation Ensemble

8pm nightly with a 2pm matinee April 17
225 8th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB
Tickets $15-$25, call (403) 294-9494 or
visit www.downstage.ca
Downstage proudly presents the World Premiere of In the Wake, a darkly humourous and highly theatrical look at the complex dilemmas surrounding geo-engineering and eco-terrorism.
An oxygen-deprived dead zone is spreading off the Western coast of Canada, and fisherman Jack Travail is feeling the impact. Frustrated with an ineffectual union and government inaction, Jack begins to seek out alternative solutions. When scientist Charlotte Wallace discovers that her research has the potential to bring life back to the ocean, Jack feels it can't be implemented fast enough. But Charlotte quickly discovers that such radical solutions aren't easily implemented amid the contentious issues surrounding climate change.
As Jack and Charlotte get caught in the wake of escalating tensions, they contemplate the possibility of radical action. But with so much at stake politically and personally, to what depths will they go to bring about necessary change? Four actors bring this fast-paced and topical tale to life on a 3 foot by 6 foot illuminated platform, portraying dozens of characters and locations with the help of composer Ethan Cole's original score.
"Too much tension and the line will snap."
Downstage's production of In the Wake is performed by Ellen Close, Col Cseke, Nicola Elson and Braden Griffiths, directed by Simon Mallett and designed by Anton deGroot, with an original score composed and performed by Ethan Cole.
TO REGISTER FOR COURSES OR GET MORE INFORMATION EMAIL info@corogues.com or CALL 403.228.5526 Mon-Fri / 1-6pm
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hero's Journey for the Actor, with Christianne Hirt -CALGARY?
Please have a look at the description of the course below and let us know if you are interested in such a workshop; your responses will help us conclude if this workshop will take place:
This 3 day intensive workshop focuses on Actor's crafting a Character's journey from a film perspective. Because most films are shot out of chronological sequence, coupled with the fact that the performance is the nucleus of the Story, it is vital that the Actor is skilled in serving the Story by creating a comprehensive and emotionally active through-line.
The Hero's Journey, while based on Three Act Structure, offers so much more. It is an odyssey of exploring, Character, Story Structure, Myth and Archetype-the foundation of all great films and film acting. By understanding and applying The Hero's Journey, actors will gain a profoundly deeper ability to make pivotal choices that not only humanize a Character but drive the story forward in emotionally compelling ways.
Over these three days we will delve into the heart and soul of the Hero's Journey, whereby each actor will receive selected scenes as well as the screenplay from which they are derived. Each scene is specific to major turning points in the Story and replete in Character and Archetype.
As a teacher, I truly love imparting this information. I am as passionate about Story as I am about the Craft of Acting and I know that this workshop will be extremely worthwhile.
The workshop requires a great deal of preparation work on the part of both the actor and instructor, therefore early registration is essential. Actors must have read the entire screenplay several times. Preparation and information are key to getting the utmost benefit from the process. Highly committed students only please.
To confirm your interest send an email to info@corogues.com
The new session of courses at Company of Rogues is coming up!
If youa re currently registered in an intermediate - advanced course and would like to continue your enrollment into the Spring session NOW IS THE TIME TO CONFIRM YOUR SPOT. We have been collecting quite the waitlist of students whom wish to participate in this upcoming session.
You have until Friday to confirm your spot -and then we open up to the waitlist!
TO REGISTER CALL 403.228.5526 OR EMAIL info@corogues.com