A place where students, friends, and faculty of Company of Rogues can find information on upcoming opportunities for actors in and around Calgary, AB.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Inspiration for Actors

Summer Schedule 2010
Film Intensive
July 2nd – 5th
Fri 6:30pm – 10:30pm
Sat 6:30pm – 10:30pm
Sun & Mon 10:00am – 6:00pm
Instructor: Christianne Hirt
*An original screenplay, written specifically for the actors participating in the Intensive
In today's "Indie Film' culture the Rogues Film Intensive closely simulates the on-set experience through guerrilla- style shooting. This four day intensive challenges actors to work with scenes from screenplays under the same rigorous demands of a professional film set. Instructor Christianne Hirt assumes the role of director working together with a dedicated group of 12 actors who will also assume the role of crew when not working on scenes. This hands on Intensive provides a thorough understanding of and respect for the film making process in the 'real world'. Actors will have a copy of their work on as a result of their efforts.
The premise of the story for this year's screenplay focuses on 12 seemingly very different people from various walks of life, yet they all share a common problem-there's something missing in their lives-each of them are seeking self expression and creative fulfillment and are driven by the need to become more of who they really are. Each Character in his or her own way discovers the craft of acting, embarking on a journey of self discovery. Considering the sad state of Alberta's virtually non-existent Film Industry, this is a timely story whose message is that Art is an essential part of cultural fabric (Copyright Philosophia Films Inc.) I have three months to write the screenplay. I would like to write authentic Character's that are created specifically for each individual actor. Therefore, it is essential that I know well in advance who is participating in the Intensive. If you are interested in being a part of the Film Intensive then please let Michaila know ASAP.
- Christianne Hirt
Level: Intermediate – Advanced
Prereq: At least one film class (admission at discretion of studio)
Cost: $400 plus GST
Performance Intensive
July 12th - 25th
Mon – Fri 6:30pm – 11:00pm
Sat & Sun 10:00am – 6:00pm
Performances on Sat, Sun, July 24th & 25th
Instructor: Joe-Norman Shaw
The Rogues classic is back! A group of dedicated actors rehearse a play under professional conditions, then mount the show for three public performances in the final two days of the course. As demanding and challenging as it is rewarding, the Performance Intensive is designed for anyone seeking to gain experience both on stage and in the rehearsal process, regardless if this is their first publicly-performed play or their fiftieth. Early registration is essential in order to help facilitate the selection of a script that features roles which are suitable for the students in the course.
Level: Intermediate – Advanced
Prereq: Essentials of Acting or Equivalent (Scene Study recommended)
Cost: $400 plus GST
Meisner Intensive
August 16th – 20th
Mon – Fri 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Instructor: Stacie Harrison
Whether you’re seeking an introduction to the Meisner Technique or a chance to brush up on your work, the Meisner Intensive will serve either of these purposes. Over the course of five consecutive evenings, students will participate in Meisner’s word game and improv exercises, culling from the actor emotional authenticity by working truthfully off their partner, moment to unanticipated moment. A strong introduction for those thinking of taking the Meisner Technique class in the Fall and a great way to gain more experience for those who have already undertaken this training.
Level: Beginner - Advanced
Prereq: Essentials of Acting (or Equivalent)
Cost: $300 plus GST
Essentials of Acting
July 27th – August 12th
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Instructor: Stacie Harrison
Jumpstart your study of the craft!
Kick it into high gear with this rare opportunity to get a head start on your actor training with this summer introduction to 'The nuts and bolts of acting.' This class provides an introduction to acting techniques, drawn from the teachings of Stanislavski, Uta Hagen and Michael Shurtleff. Class work includes scene analysis, character development and playing for truth. Each actor is assigned a scene and a partner. Scenes will be developed with the instructor’s guidance over the course; however, rehearsal outside of class time is also required.
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Prereq: None
Cost: $300 plus GST
Teen Film Intensives
July 16th, 17th and 18th
Fri – Sun 6:00pm- 9:00pm (Ages 14-17)
$150 + GST
August 16th – 20th
Mon – Fri 9:00am - 12:00pm (Ages 14-17)
$250 + GST
Instructor: Michaila Skye
A perfect opportunity for teens seeking to get involved in the Film & Television industry to gain valuable knowledge of the audition experience while committing scenes to tape. Students will work with the instructor on a selection of scenes from contemporary scripts, while also learning to work creatively from the text; encouraging students to make specific, informed and engaging choices. At the end of the Intensive students will receive a copy of their work.
Level: Beginner - Advanced
Cost: $150 + GST (July Intensive), $250 + GST (August Intensive)
Teen Improvisation Workshop
July 24th & 25th
Sat-Sun 10am-4pm (Ages 14-17)
Instructor: Michaila Skye
Improvisational skills are the foundation of moment-to-moment authentic acting. Students will be challenged in this two-day workshop in learning to step into theatrical moments and carry those forward with confidence. These skills can be applied in future scene study, improvisation, and on-camera acting experiences.
Level: Beginner - Advanced
Cost: $175 + GST
Auditioning & the Camera for Kids
July 10th, 11th & 12th (Ages 8-13)
Mon - Fri 9:30am-12pm
Instructor: Michaila Skye
This week-long intensive is specially geared for kids who are currently auditioning or wish to become more involved in the Film & T.V. industry of Calgary.
This fast-paced class is filled with explorative drama activities, improvisation, voice, movement, and on-camera work. Children will learn how to approach monologues and sides and prepare for an audition.
Level: Beginner – Advanced
Cost: $150 + GST