Calgary Fringe 2010 Starts today! Love live, interesting, fun and enthralling theatre?! This is the time to get out to shows... The Fringe runs July 30th -August 7th 2010.
What is a Fringe?
Fringes are uncensored, non-juried theatre festivals. The first Fringe started in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1947, and has grown into one of the biggest arts festivals in the world. The second-largest Fringe Festival is in Edmonton, Alberta , and draws nearly 800,000 attendees a year!
The Fringe Festival summer event in 2009 saw a banner year for the Calgary Fringe. Tickets sales were up 40% from last year and artist payouts 65%. And we're not stopping there! We are looking forward to another fun-filled 9 days in 2010 ... here's to breaking more records!
Make sure you spend some time this Fringe exploring the great theatre productions Calgary has to offer!
Visit the website link above for information on where to buy tickets, show schedules and venue information!
Now playing at the Calgary Fringe Festival
PHONE WHORE: a one-act play with frequent interruptions
July 30 through August 6, 2010

Artpoint Gallery, 1139 - 11 Street SE, Calgary, AB
Tickets: $14/adv. or at the door
Warning: Explicit language and graphic content, no one under 18 admitted
Truth and taboo collide in this one-hour, slice-of-life visit with a phone sex operator that might change your views on sex forever. Phone Whore draws directly from real phone encounters for an intimate exploration of sexuality, fantasy, and the place of "deviant" desires in society today.
Friday, July 30 * 9:45pm
Sunday, August 1 * 5:45pm
Monday, August 2 * 1:45pm
Tuesday, August 3 * 9:45pm
Thursday, August 5 * 5:45pm
Friday, August 6 * 9:45pm
Tickets and info at http://www.calgaryfringe.ca
For details about the Phone Whore tour, visit http://www.camerynmoore.com
Cameryn Moore, Phone Whore
making the world a better place, seven minutes at a time
Sexual Perversity in Chicago
City of Origin: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Playwright: David Mamet
Director: Tom Cainer
Cast: Brooklyn Ritchie, Kristin Swirles, Randy Burke, Denise Wong
Sexual Perversity in Chicago is a story about men, women, and sex. Based in the 1970’s in Chicago, the show explores the lives of Bernard, Dan, Joan, and Deborah in the dating pool. Come along for the ride in this hilarious David Mamet classic.
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Rating: Restricted – Minors Not Allowed (Age 18+, Awkward Topics, Sexual Content, Adult Language, Fake alcohol consumption)
Length: 55 minutes
Tickets: $ 11.00
NOTE: Must have a Fringe Button, along with your ticket, to be admitted into the show (click here for further details).