The 2016-17 theatre season is definitely well underway so now is a great time to work on your audition skills. In order to help you with this, we are offering two different FREE audition workshops. The workshops will be led by Jane MacFarlane, Chris Stockton and myself.
Dates: part one on Mon Oct 24/16 and part two on Mon Nov 28/16, 1:00pm until 6:00pm both days
This two-part workshop is aimed to help you choose monologues that show you in the best possible way as well as reinforce basic audition practices such as how to submit, how to dress, how to present yourself in general. In Part One, you will come in with three contrasting 2 minute monologues chosen by you (which you will READ – memorization and “acting” are NOT encouraged) and we will discuss how everyone’s options may or may not be the best choices and why. We will also discuss “Audition 101” information – the Dos and Don’ts that will help you put your best foot forward. In Part Two we will do a practice run of an audition situation where you present (with memorization and “acting”) at least one of your monologues and receive redirection as you would in an actual audition – as well as feedback on any Dos and Don’ts that come up.
*You must be available for both parts of this workshop.
To sign up, email me at
smcnairreid@theatrecalgary.com with the subject line “Two-part audition workshop”. Space is limited so first come, first served. Once you are registered, I will give you more information on what to prepare.
Date: Mon Feb 13/17 from 2:00pm until 6:00pm
This workshop is for the type of audition where you are provided sides and are reading for a specific role in a specific show. You will be provided sides as if it was an actual audition and be asked to come in as you would in a real situation and then we will work with you and give feedback. We will cover topics such as how to submit, how to dress, and how to prepare your sides as well as what the expectations are from our side of the table.
I am not accepting registration yet for this one as it is months away but I wanted to let everyone know that we have listened to requests and have scheduled this type of workshop. I will email again when I am ready to sign people up.
Susan McNair ReidCompany Manager
220 9 Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 5C4
ALL TOGETHER for the 2016-2017 Season – Join Us!