AUDITION NOTICE: Actors Needed for Haunted House
We are Zombie Ridge. A new entertainment company coming to Calgary.
We are looking for talented actors and actresses to be apart of our zombie themed haunted house this October here in Calgary. It starts the second week in October. Every Thursday thru Saturday. Possibly the last full week before Halloween (TBD), and then also the last Monday the 30th and Tuesday the 31st.
We open the doors at 7 and would need you there early to get your makeup done by the talented artists who have been taught by Calamity Jade. Check out her work at We run from 7 to 12.
We would require you to act like a real zombie but with a few more abilities. We do chase and grab and take group member away. We are truly an interactive haunted house.
If you are interested please feel free to email me at
We would love to meet with you and discuss more and answer any questions you may have.
Josh Creason | Proprietor
A place where students, friends, and faculty of Company of Rogues can find information on upcoming opportunities for actors in and around Calgary, AB.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Audition Notice
Audition Notice – Nose Creek Players
“Calendar Girls”
Directed by: Robin McKittrick
Auditions: July 31, - 6:00 p.m.-10:00
Callbacks: August 1 -6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Requirements: Please prepare a 1 minute
Location: Wingate by Wyndham | 513 Gateway Rd
NE, Airdrie, AB T4B 0J6
Book Audition time here:
Rehearsal Dates: Monday, Wednesday &
One Saturday a month.
Tech Week: October 20-October 25
Production Dates: October 26 & 27
Rehearsals Begin: Wednesday, August 9,
Actors must be available for all rehearsal dates,
tech week and performance dates.
Play Synopsis:
When Annie's
husband John dies of leukaemia, she and best friend Chris resolve to raise
money for a new settee in the local hospital waiting room. They manage to
persuade four fellow WI members to pose nude with them for an
"alternative" calendar, with a little help from hospital porter
and amateur photographer Lawrence. The news of the women's charitable venture
spreads like wildfire, and hordes of press soon descend on the small village of
Knapeley in the Yorkshire Dales. The calendar is a success, but Chris and
Annie's friendship is put to the test under the strain of their new-found fame.
Character Breakdown:
50s.) You want Chris at your party. She will talk to people she doesn't know,
and things to say to all silences and generate laughter. Part of this
is because Chris is at home in crowds, holding court, being the centre
of attention.
50s). Annie will join in mischief but is at heart more conformist and
less confrontational than Chris. After Chris has put a waiter's back up
in the restaurant, Annie will go in and pour calm.
-40's). Cora's past is the most eclectic, her horizons broadened by having
gone to college. This caused a tectonic shift with her more parochial
parents. She came back to them pregnant and tail-between-legs, but Cora
has too much native resilience to be downtrodden. She is the joker in the
pack, but never plays the fool. Her wit is deadpan. It raises laughter in
others, but rarely in herself.
JESSIE – (F late
60s/70s). Get on the right side of Jessie as a teacher and she'll be the
teacher you remember for life. Get on the wrong side and you will regret
every waking hour. A lover of life, Jessie doesn't bother with cosmetics —
her elixir of life is bravery. Jessie goes on rollercoasters. Her husband
has been with her a long time and is rarely surprised by her actions.
Jessie bothers about grammar and will correct stallholders regarding their
abuse of the apostrophe "s".
RUTH –(F -40s)
Ruth's journey is from the false self-confidence of the emotionally
abused to the genuine self confidence of the woman happy in her own skin.
Ruth is eager to please but not a rag doll, and despite being Marie's
right-hand woman she is desperate to be the cartilage in the spine of the
WI and keep everyone happy. She has spine herself — if she was too wet,
no-one would want her around. But they do, and they feel protective of her
because they sense there is something better in Ruth than her life is letting
50s). Marie has gradually built the current 'Marie' around herself over
the years as a defence mechanism. She went to her Oz, Cheshire, and found
Oz didn't want her. She came back scorched. The WI is a trophy to her,
which justifies her entire existence. There is a lingering part of Marie
that would love to be on that calendar.
JOHN – (M-
50s). John is a human sunflower. Not a saint. Not a hero. Just the kind of
man you'd want in your car when crossing America. When he dies it
feels like someone somewhere turned a light off.
ROD – (M -50s) Chris's husband. You have to be a certain kind of guy to stick with Chris and Rod loves it. He can give back what he gets, and has a deadpan humour which has always made Chris laugh. He drinks a lot but never so much as to have a problem. He would work every hour to make his shop a success. And John was his mate, even though the relationship was originally channelled through their wives.
LAWRENCE –(M late 20s). Hesitant without being nerdy, Lawrence is a shy young man with enough wit to make a joke and enough spirit to turn up at the WI hall in the first place. When he arranges the shots he is close to female nudity but sees only the photo.
LADY CRAVENSHIRE –(F 60s). Lady Cravenshire really doesn't mean to be so patronizing. But the WI girls seem from another world. The world of her estate workers. Dress: when she makes an entrance, she must make an entrance.
ELAINE – (F 20s). Elaine really doesn't mean to be so patronizing. But Jessie seems from another world. The world of her gran. Dress: her clinical whites slice through like a knife. You feel you could cut yourself on that dress.
LIAM – (F late 20s). Liam would like to be directing other things than photoshoots for washing powders. He's not so unprofessional as to let it show, but we can sense a slight weariness at having to deal with these women. There's a resigned patience to his actions and each smile he makes we feel is professional. For Liam, this photoshoot is a job. And not the job he wanted.
ROD – (M -50s) Chris's husband. You have to be a certain kind of guy to stick with Chris and Rod loves it. He can give back what he gets, and has a deadpan humour which has always made Chris laugh. He drinks a lot but never so much as to have a problem. He would work every hour to make his shop a success. And John was his mate, even though the relationship was originally channelled through their wives.
LAWRENCE –(M late 20s). Hesitant without being nerdy, Lawrence is a shy young man with enough wit to make a joke and enough spirit to turn up at the WI hall in the first place. When he arranges the shots he is close to female nudity but sees only the photo.
LADY CRAVENSHIRE –(F 60s). Lady Cravenshire really doesn't mean to be so patronizing. But the WI girls seem from another world. The world of her estate workers. Dress: when she makes an entrance, she must make an entrance.
ELAINE – (F 20s). Elaine really doesn't mean to be so patronizing. But Jessie seems from another world. The world of her gran. Dress: her clinical whites slice through like a knife. You feel you could cut yourself on that dress.
LIAM – (F late 20s). Liam would like to be directing other things than photoshoots for washing powders. He's not so unprofessional as to let it show, but we can sense a slight weariness at having to deal with these women. There's a resigned patience to his actions and each smile he makes we feel is professional. For Liam, this photoshoot is a job. And not the job he wanted.
Audition Notice
Pulitzer Prize winning play by Thornton Wilder.
Directed by Dale Hirlehey
Directed by Dale Hirlehey
in the Joyce Doolittle in the Pumphouse Theatres Sept 22 - 30, 2017
Wednesday July 19th (7:00 to 9:00pm)
Thursday July 20th (7:00 to 10:00pm)
3512 – 5th Avenue NW
(lower level of the Parkdale Community Centre)
Wednesday July 19th (7:00 to 9:00pm)
Thursday July 20th (7:00 to 10:00pm)
3512 – 5th Avenue NW
(lower level of the Parkdale Community Centre)
A bona fide
American classic, OUR TOWN tells the story of Emily and George, two
unremarkable teenagers growing up in a small New Hampshire town at the turn of
the last century. You're invited to eavesdrop on this tightly wound community
as events unfold – both the apparently trivial and the deeply profound – across
the course of a decade.
Rich with detail and shot through with a
distinctive mix of light and shade, Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning
small-town epic of human existence remains as theatrically fresh and as topical
as ever: OUR TOWN, but also, unmistakably, yours.
Sun 17-Sept 10:00 -
10:00 Pumphouse
Mon 18-Sept 6:00 - 10:00 Pumphouse
Tues 19-Sept 6:00 - 10:00 Pumphouse
Wed 20-Sept 6:00 - 10:00 Pumphouse
Thurs 21-Sept 6:00 PREVIEW Pumphouse
Fri 22-Sept 6:30 OPENING Pumphouse
Sat 23-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Sun 24-Sept 1:00 Show Pumphouse
Mon 25-Sept DARK
Tues 26-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Wed 27-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Thurs 28-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Fri 29-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Sat 30-Sept 1:00 Show Pumphouse
Sat 30-Sept 6:30 CLOSING Pumphouse
Mon 18-Sept 6:00 - 10:00 Pumphouse
Tues 19-Sept 6:00 - 10:00 Pumphouse
Wed 20-Sept 6:00 - 10:00 Pumphouse
Thurs 21-Sept 6:00 PREVIEW Pumphouse
Fri 22-Sept 6:30 OPENING Pumphouse
Sat 23-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Sun 24-Sept 1:00 Show Pumphouse
Mon 25-Sept DARK
Tues 26-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Wed 27-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Thurs 28-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Fri 29-Sept 6:30 Show Pumphouse
Sat 30-Sept 1:00 Show Pumphouse
Sat 30-Sept 6:30 CLOSING Pumphouse
Open auditions for the listed roles will take place:
being cast:
Gibbs - Leading role - Dr. and Mrs. Gibbs's son. A decent, upstanding young
man, George is a high school baseball star who plans to attend the State
College after high school. Athletic, naive and sincere. Plays from 16 to 28
years old over the course of the play. Looking for someone 16-20 years old.
Crowell - a newspaper boy and in Act 2 (3 years later)
his younger brother. energetic, clever male - 11 years old
Webb - younger brother of Emily Webb also appears in the third act. Keen, boy
scout - 11 years old
Gibbs - younger sister of George Gibbs, intelligent, dreamer fixated on money -
11 years old.
the roles of Joe, Wally and Rebecca please email and arrange a time to audition in 10 minute segments between 7 and
8 on Wednesday or Thursday
the role of George please email and arrange a time to audition between 8-9 on Wednesday or 9-10 on Thursday.
come prepared to cold read from the script and show off your best you.
the Morpheus Rehearsal Centre. To book an audition, email Dale Hirlehey
Our Town
Love and marriage, birth and
death. Seen from a distance they're just the rhythm of everyday life: but when
you're caught up in the middle and they're happening to you, they're the whole
Rehearsals begin August 6, and will take place Sunday, Monday and Wednesday evenings 7-10
Tech week and Performance run
Friday, July 14, 2017
Audition Notice
Commercial Breakdown (NON-UNION)
Product: Sport Select
Union: Non union
Casting Cassin Stanton Casting| Melissa Cassin
Stanton, CDC
Audition: Thursday July 20, 2017 (3pm -6pm football | 6pm-9pm hockey)
Roles: SOC
Director: Ante Kovac
Producer: Brendon Rathbone
Audition location: Renfrew Athletic Park (Field)| Henry Viney Arena (ice)
Call backs None
Wardrobe: Football or Hockey uniforms (with skates/foot ball
Shoot Date(s): July
25th 2017
Note: Night shoot. All must be prepared to shoot
4pm-10pm or 10pm-4am shift (Approx.)
Shoot location: TBD
SOC Rate: $400.00/shoot day/flat + $600.00/ 1 year
Minor SOC/BG Rate: $250.00/flat
Wardrobe/equip: $50.00/flat per talent as they need to
supply their own wardrobe & equipment.
Note on submitting: Please note head
circumference/measurements. Height & Weight
Note: All men who audition will be asked if they
are available for Minor SOC/background- if not booked as SOC
Usage: 1 year.
Markets: Western Canada
Conflicts: None
Method for suggestions: Online
Deadline for submissions: Monday,
July 17 7pm (sooner is better!)
Contact info:
There will be no script they will
be directed in audition.
Hockey players will
be asked to skate at an arena (location TBD) and football players will be asked
to perform a maneuver or short scrimmage on field. Please open this up to
friends and team members of men submitted!
Demographic: Male 25 to 35 years of age. Athletes.
Hockey Players: Age 25 – 35. ALL ETHNICITIES. BIG GUYS. Athletes. MUST have the
physical capabilities and appearance of a professional hockey player and MUST
BE ABLE TO PLAY HOCKEY. Hockey players must be able to shoot a puck, Goalie
must be comfortable in net
Mix of ethnicities,
looking for a true representation: Goalie, Forward, Center and/or wingers
Players: Age 25 – 35. ALL ETHNICITIES.
BIG GUYS. Athletes. MUST
have the physical capabilities and appearance of a professional football player
players who are coming as a WR or RB need to be able to catch/throw the ball
(WR), and handle the ball (RB). We need a true representation of the NFL
football team players for specific positions: Offensive/Defensive Lineman,
running back, Wide receiver
Friday, July 7, 2017
Workshop Notice: ACTRA Members

Sometimes it can be difficult to attend an audition in person - learn how to create a great self-tape audition to land that role!
This workshop is open to ACTRA members only
– membership has privileges.
The best part, this workshop is FREE!
You can still sign up for this workshop!
Saturday, July 22, 2017
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
CSIF - 100, 1725 - 10 Avenue SW
Sometimes it can be difficult to attend an audition in person - learn how to create a great self-tape audition to land that role!
This workshop is open to ACTRA members only
– membership has privileges.
The best part, this workshop is FREE!
You can still sign up for this workshop!
Saturday, July 22, 2017
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
CSIF - 100, 1725 - 10 Avenue SW
The workshop will be live streamed for members who aren’t able to attend in person.
Please let us know when you RSVP if you are interested in watching online.
About the facilitator:
Julian Black Antelope brings 12 years of experience working both nationally and internationally on award winning shows such as (Blackstone, Penny Dreadful, Hell on Wheels, Dominion Creek). His most recent accolades include nominations for 2017 Canadian Screen Award for Best Guest Star in a Dramatic Series, and two-time nominee for 2016 /2015 AMPIA Best Alberta Actor.
JBA’s experience reaches into the writing & producing arena on feature films (Knuckleball 2017, Fake Blood 2017, Empyrean 2015) and is currently in development with broadcast for his own television series written and created by himself. Nominations include 2017 AMPIA best Screen Writer Drama under 30 Minutes, 2016 Governor Generals Award for Canadian History.
JBA’s experience reaches into the writing & producing arena on feature films (Knuckleball 2017, Fake Blood 2017, Empyrean 2015) and is currently in development with broadcast for his own television series written and created by himself. Nominations include 2017 AMPIA best Screen Writer Drama under 30 Minutes, 2016 Governor Generals Award for Canadian History.
Examples of Roles Booked via Self -Tape:
- Arctic Air-CBC-(Guest Star)
- Penny Dreadful-SHOWTIME (Guest Star)
- Dominion Creek-RTE/TG4 (Lead)
- Hold the Dark-NETFLIX (Lead)
- Condor-USA (Guest Star)
- Caught-CBC (Recurring Support)
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