It's the closing production of our 2010/2011 season!
The Rogues Theatre crew is full into rehearsals for the upcoming production of the Collected Stories by Donald Margulies. This Calgary Premeir will be opening April 27 running thru to May 7 at The Motel , EPCOR Centre.
Here's a special sneek-peek into the show:
By: Donald Margulies
Directed by: Christianne Hirt
With: Olga Primak and Brittany Richards
April 27-May 7 at Motel, EPCOR Centre- 8pm
Tickets: $22.50 Adults/ $17.50 Student and Seniors
Contact EPCOR Centre Boxoffice 403.294.9494 or Click HERE
Synopsis: Donald Margulies' provocative play, COLLECTED STORIES, chronicles the relationship of Ruth Steiner, teacher and respected short story writer, and her student and protégée, Lisa Morrison. Under Ruth’s mentorship, Lisa journeys from insecure student to successful writer. After publishing a well-received collection of short stories, Lisa writes a novel based on Ruth's affair with poet Delmore Schwartz, drawing the women into a moral dilemma--is it appropriate for a writer to use another person’s life events as fuel for their creative process? At the heart of Margulies’ story is the conflict between the established artist and the adulatory fan who becomes a protégé, disciple, colleague and friend—and finally threatening rival. COLLECTED STORIES is a funny and sad meditation on issues of friendship, rivalry, honor, and the waning power that accompanies aging. “As always, Margulies is literate, intellectually stimulating, and able to create characters of both dramatic and human interest. Here two worlds clash in age-old, ecumenical dueling, led up to by great mutual emotional investment and all the more bitter for it." —NY Magazine.
Photo Credit:
Jennifer Chipperfield
For more information on this production visit