Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Audition Notice - 15 minute short film

Hi there,
My name's Stephen Sander and I'm currently producing/directing a 15 minute short film I wrote. We're still in the early stages of casting but there's a few roles that may not get filled from the initial casting call so I thought I'd forward this on to you in case you know of anyone who might be interested.

We'd be shooting primarily on weekends and are aiming to kick off principal photography end of April-early May area. Below are the roles we still need, feel free to pass my email along if anyone would like to get in touch with me directly.

CID (age 16-24)
Cid dropped out of highschool in grade ten and started leading a rebellious, drug filled life. In the film he's picked up byhis parents from the police station and brought home. A fight with his parents ensues and ends with him punching his father.

SARA (age 16-24)
Sara's a popular girl with a close circle of friends always buzzing around her. At a party, we see her flirting with different guys and acting rather irresponsibly, only to find out the reason for this is because she's just gone through a painful breakup.

CODY (age 16-24)
Cody's a bit of a loner who's been yearning to make some friends and turn his life around. He loves drawing and is exceptionally good at it. On a friday night with nothing else to do he wanders downtown and runs into Sara whom after leaving the party in tears is at her lowest point.

KASS (age 25-30)
Kass is the mother of Ariana and a single parent. She'd really struggling to keep her family afloat and cleans houses for a living. She's wearing thin though and is searching for some sense of purpose beyond that of barely squeezing through life.

KATE (age 30-40)
Kate is the mother of Beau and Cid. She cares about her children, but Cid's situation has put a lot of stress on her. Her and her husband are rather well off however their family isn't as happy as you might think, with Beau acting rather depressed for reasons she can't figure out.

JIM (age 30-40)
Jim is Tom's father. He has a good job and is a stellar parent, but he seems to have fallen out of love with his wife.
