Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Audition Notice: Simply Theatre

AUDITION NOTICE: Glengarry Glen Ross, Simply Theatre

Simply Theatre is thrilled to invite you to audition for their 1st show of the 2019/2020 Season, David Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross.

Cast Requirements are 7 men in their early 40s to late 50s: Sign Up Genius link - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d45abaa22a0fe3-sign2

Shelly Levene - A washed-up real estate salesman in his fifties. Shelly "The Machine" Levene was successful years ago, but recently has hit a streak of "bad luck" and finds himself in danger of getting fired. He desperately wants to save his career, and this desperation is usually grotesquely apparent.

Ricky Roma - A big-shot real estate salesman in his early forties. Roma is the top name on the board at his office, which means he is currently the most successful salesman. It is easy to see why he does better than the other men: he is smart, charming, and incredibly quick-witted. Rather than trying to force customers to submit to his sales tactics, as the others do, he lures people into thinking they want what he is selling.

Dave Moss - An angry real estate salesman in his fifties. Moss harbors a great deal of resentment toward the company. He is not a subtle man, and tends to lash out angrily when under pressure. His sheer aggression makes him a more successful salesman than Aaronow or Levene, but he has none of Roma's verbal agility.

George Aaronow - A timid real estate salesman in his fifties. Aaronow is extremely meek and mild- mannered. In conversation, faster talkers like Moss and Roma easily overpower him. His dullness is evident in his conversational tendency to merely repeat what other people are saying to him. Like Levene, Aaronow is not on the board and is in immediate danger of getting fired.

John Williamson - The manager of the real estate office, who is in his early forties. Williamson's job is to oversee the operations of the office and to assign the salesmen their leads. The salesmen dislike him because of his status as "company man"—he merely follows orders from Mitch and Murray, and the salesmen do not think he really understands the business.

James Lingk - A quiet, timid man in his early forties. We know that Lingk fears his wife, but we do not know what he does for a living or virtually anything else about his personal life. Lingk tells Roma that within his marriage he does not have the power to negotiate business deals.

Baylen - A police detective in his early forties. We learn extremely little about Baylen's personality but his presence increases the tension in Act Two.