Monday, March 25, 2013

NEW CLASS!! TEEN Film FUNdamentals

Company of Rogues Actors' Studio is excited to offer a Teen Film Fundamentals course.  

Explore on-camera technique and the audition experience through partnered scene work.  Students work with the Instructor to create an engaging character and authentic performance while learning to work creatively from the text. 6 weeks, $275+GST
Contact the Studio for more information or to register 403.228.5526 or

About Us:
Rogues was founded in 1993 in Vancouver, B.C. by seasoned working professionals, Christianne Hirt and Joe-Norman Shaw - who shared a desire  to establish a creative home where actors could explore their craft in an environment devoted to the highest and most demanding artistic principles. After Christianne won the lead role of Hannah in the series Lonesome Dove, the two moved to Calgary where they re-established Company of Rogues in 1996, continuing their vision to cultivate a community of first class actors

“As the Company of Rogues teen program director, I am so delighted to be sharing my passion for performance with the teen students. I have worked with teens for many years and I am excited to help them pursue their craft of acting. My approach is to create a safe environment for students to feel free to take risks in order to develop a path to authentic performance. Along the way they will learn practical information about the industry and techniques to help them deliver truthful performances.”
– Meaghan Sholdice Farhall, TEEN Acting Program Director